Star Divider

SKY GODZ: Stargazer NFT Collections

SKY GODZ Stargazer Founder NFTs are unique digital avatars that give you access to all game, anime and webtoon content on the Stardapp, as well as special airdrops and access to the DeFi games.

Cool utilities for your Akasha alien:

1. Collect the unique Akasha Aliens.

2. Play Hypersleep Game and get HYPER token rewards.

3. Get STARDUST airdrops for your HYPER token balance.

4. Use your Akasha alien in the upcoming Stargazer RPG, Anime and Webtoon.

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SKY GODZ Founder Edition coming soon...

You are a traveler among the stars without a destination. You are not ready yet to make a commitment and you can always upgrade to become a full founder.

Founder Edition

You are a member of the star family and can use your avatar to access all activities in the Stargazer Stardapp and receive exclusive airdrops.


The Alchemist transforms his body into a light body. Unlimited access to all content in current and upcoming games, as well as exclusive airdrops.

Use your SKY GODZ Collection NFTs for the following cool things:

Play the RPG with your NFT

Get access to the Stargazer: RPG and get Stardust token rewards which you can use to power-up your Stargate.

Play the HYPERVERSE Game

Login with your Akasha alien and mint cosmic energy sources NFTs to power-up your Akasha alien and get HYPER token rewards.

Get future airdrops and level up

The founders NFT entitles you to receive further airdrops of NFTs you can use in the games to level up your character.