Star Divider

SKY GODZ: Stargazer Games

Use your Stargazer Founder NFTs in this exciting 3rd person, single player RPG directly in your browser and collect tokens while powering up your Stargate in the DeFi Game.

Stargate Game

The SKY GODZ STARGAZER Games come in two variations:

Stargate Game

Send your Akasha Alien on extended journey to the core of the Hyperverse and get additional HYPER Token rewards. You need to be a holder of at least 1 Akasha alien. You can mint more aliens on the NFT page.

Stargazer Game

SKY GODZ Stargazer is a third-person, single player Ascension RPG for the browser and multi-player RPG for the PC. Use your Founder NFTs and other assets to interact and build out your world.

Technical details, white paper and tokenomics are coming soon and will be published on our website.